Gainesville Regional Airport transitions to self pay parking option

December 21, 2015

Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV) is transitioning to a new, automated pay parking system and new ticketing technology. The change is part of more than $800,000 of customer service upgrades required to make exiting the parking lot more efficient for passengers. The project includes the addition of a third exit lane to expedite the process. Exiting traffic back up had become an issue with the arrival of larger jets carrying more passengers at a time.

Customers can now self-pay at one of three exit lanes. The self-pay option works for credit cards or cash. During a short transition period, visitors needing the assistance of parking personnel should use the exit lane on the far left. Each exit lane is marked with digital signage for guidance.

As in the past, passengers arriving at either short or long term parking will approach the entrance gate arm but now have two options. He or she can press the “Ticket” button on the machine to retrieve a parking ticket and open the gate. The second option is to insert a credit or debit card to open the gate. The card will not be charged until the passenger uses the same card at the exit gate upon departure.

A new option is also available when paying for parking at the return of the trip. Passengers who wish to pay at a kiosk located inside the terminal in the baggage claim area while they await checked baggage will want to take their ticket with them instead of leaving it in the vehicle. Passengers should not leave their parking ticket in direct sun while they are away as a faded bar code could cause a delay when exiting.

In an effort to help visitors with a smooth transition, there is a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the Parking page of the website.

GNV staff asks that visitors allow some time for issues to be worked out with the new technology.  GNV reminds residents picking up travelers that there is free use of a cell phone lot located on the west side of the Terminal Loop Road. Drivers can wait in their car to be notified via cell phone by a passenger arriving at the terminal curb.