Real Estate in a University Town

University towns are unique for many reasons, all of which shape the energy and culture of the region. From the omnipresent exchange of ideas to the never-ending arts and cultural […]

The Art of Spotting a Leader

Probably every five seconds there’s a new article written on some aspect of leadership. Numerous experts discuss the various types of leaders, i.e. transformational, laissez-faire, autocratic, transactional, hands-on and situational. […]

Working Remotely – Is It for You?

What an eye catcher, I mean a real dream-come-true right? Working from home. Telecommuting, if we want to get technical. Think about waking up and heading straight for the couch–no […]

Getting off the Hiring Treadmill

As a recruiting professional or a small business owner, you may feel that you spend all your time hiring new employees and you might be right. The cycle is endless, […]

Professional Development Grows Leaders

The act of growing oneself or others requires leadership. The ability to lead is an art, a collection of skills, which can be learned and sharpened1 through professional development. Nancy […]